The product of over two decades of experience, Global Action Project's Media In Action Curriculum is available here for free download. Grab it, read it, use it, adapt it, and tell us how it worked (or didn't) for you.
Global Action Project developed the Media In Action Curriculum through its after-school media arts programs and, more recently, its Media in Action trainings. Media in Action runs multi-day, intergenerational trainings for community organizers who want to harness the power of youth media to move their work further, faster.
How to Use
This curriculum is a rough guide, not a blueprint. Think of it as a foundation on which to build your own house. The workshops as rendered here capture a moment in the evolving history of our work. We want you and your work to be a part of this evolution. Adapt these pieces to fit your own needs, then tell us about it!
A note about this site's functionality: The curriculum is most useful when used online as PDF files, rather than as paper copies. Most of the resources referenced in the PDFs are available for download via html links. We recommended that you visit the links now and, if possible, print out relevant materials, because these links may expire at any point.
Rising Together, Moving Forever: Curriculum & stories from Global Action Project

Media in Action, 2010


Fighting for #counselorsnotcops in schools

cell phone tool

Framing and Messaging
This workshop helps participants decode the media's messages, view media critically, and consider media's role in advancing social justice.

Media Advancing Movements

movement history timeline

Oppression and Liberation


Sticker bombing guide

This curriculum could not have been possible without the hard work and creative insight of Global Action Project's staff members and young people over the years--especially G.A.P.'s media educators past and present. We are especially grateful to the curriculum committee (Sumitra Rajkumar, Pilar Valdes, Binh Ly, Dan O'Reilly-Rowe, Teresa Basilio, and Chrystian Rodriguez) for their extraordinary work innovating our synthesis of media, youth development and political education. We'd like to thank Susan Siegel and Diana Coryat for their early contributions, and Jeremy Engle, Dare Dukes, and Meghan McDermott for supporting its completion.
This curriculum has been generously funded in part by: The Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.